Monday, July 2, 2012

Halfway through the year

How is it that it is July already? I've been in a rut lately, my guess is because I accomplished so much the first part of the year and that just coasting along this summer is difficult for me. It's hard to be a faux single parent. That's what it feels like most days since my husband commutes to Sacramento everyday and on his days off there are an endless list of projects that he feels the need to work on. Let's just say that there hasn't been a day for just me in weeks, possibly even a month or more. While my girls are awesome the 4 year old is seriously testing her Mother's patience and she is winning the battle. 

I thought it might be fun and maybe make me feel better to take a peak at how exactly the year has shaped up thus far. 

10,166 yards 

350.17 miles

223.35 miles

28.74 miles 

It's interesting to see those numbers since I don't really look at accumulative miles. I'm sure it will be really cool to see those numbers at the end of the year. 

I continue to just try and get all of my workouts in. I can't say I'm enjoying it all that much, but I know it's because I'm struggling with just getting them in and I hate working out at night. I'm hopeful that once the kids are back in school and I have some of my "time" back I'll start to enjoy them again. 

1 comment:

  1. Your numbers are fabulous! Especially for having just started swimming and biking! I hope the kids settle down a bit so you get some peace and deserve it!
