Friday, May 23, 2014


It's hard to believe that May is almost over. May is our craziest month if the year as schools tarts to wrap up and the teachers try to cram every last thing into the month of May; field trips, projects, fundraisers, etc. Alongside that pre-season for swim team has started. This means we are at the pool from 4:15pm - 6:45pm almost everyday after school. This also means that we are cramming in homework and dinner in the short period of time we have before bedtime. Almost every night I come into Sydney's room to find her asleep with her book club book that she is trying to read for school.

May was "scenario" time for Scott at work. Those in the know will understand that we hardly see him for the two weeks that span scenarios at the academy. For myself, I'm currently maxed out on my dog walking business, meaning I won't be able to take any new clients on until September when school resumes. That's a great problem to have, but it also means I hardly ever get to sit down during the week.

As usual I'm finding triathlon training difficult, I seem to be really great at training for two sports but adding the third is where it all seems to fall apart. Most of the time it's the bike that gets neglected. This week it was the swim. Today (Friday) was the first day I swam all week. Lucky for me it was a long at your pace workout. I love those, I'd rather do the endurance stuff than the short speed work.

I was scheduled to race a 5k this weekend, sadly it was cancelled due to low enrollment. I guess I'll just go run a 5k with one of my doggy partners and call it good.