This was a first for me, instead of attending an event as a participant, I actually organized the entire event! After walking in MADD's Sacramento walk in October I decided to form a team for the Bay Area Walk. Shortly after I formed my team I was approached to serve as a volunteer on the committee for the walk. Sure, why not I thought. I knew this was the Bay Area's first walk and I thought there would be no better way to assure it went off successfully than to volunteer my time. At some point along the way, MADD lost their Bay Area Executive Director. I of course had concerns about a lack of leadership and the walk going off successfully, but I was committed to the walk and was not going to abandon it. 7 weeks prior to the walk MADD hired me as a temporary employee to ensure the walk went off without a hitch. I;m not sure I really knew what I was getting into. Almost nothing had been done for the walk other than securing the location and the permit for the walk. I had to obtain corporate sponsorship, food donations, recruit teams and plan the logistics for the entire event in 7 weeks. Everyone knows I love a challenge, but wow!
Saturday we walked. And while there were a few behind the scene issues, like our rental company delivering our tables, chairs and tents 45 minutes late, for the most walk, it went off without a hitch. we raised $24,199 and we will continue to collect money until June 30th.
What a learning experience, I have participated in many 5k events over the past 2 years, so thankfully I had those experiences to help guide me. I have received some great feedback from teams and walkers who are excited to walk again next year, so I think that is a good sign.
Some photos from the event.
Team CHP & CHP Wives